Ruminant Animal

Solin Beef

Product Description

  • Indications
  • Storage
  • Dosage
  • Packaging
It helps to meet vitamin-mineral requirements of Beef Cattles.
Contained in rumen tampons and digestive regulators it is an effective rumen tampon and is a digestive regulator.
It helps to reduces the risk of acidosis.
Provides high fattening performance and increases meat quality.
It provides a very good marbling in meat and flesh color in meat quality.
It supports the increase of carcass efficiency.
Thanks to the minerals it contains, it supports the reduction of nail diseases.
With its powerful antioxidant content, it supports animal health under stress conditions.
It strengthens the immune system and binds toxins.
Store in its original packaging, in a cool and not exposed to light.
Fattening Start; 50-75 g per animal per day.
Fattening Grow; 75-100 g per animal per day.
Fattening Finish; 100-200 gr per animal per day.
Rams and Goats; 10-20 g per animal per day.
25 Kg Kraft Package